Whether you are the buyer or seller, we strive to suit all of our customers’ needs each and every day, on each and every inspection. We always offer flexible scheduling and our reports are in a detailed format with multiple pictures and narrative writings that will put everything into perspective with the main controls of the home described and located. It is an owner’s manual for your home!
Our comprehensive home inspection includes visual evaluation of nearly 400 different items that affect the safety, condition and value of a home.
Pricing Guide
Home Inspection………………………$400.00 + $50.00 per additional 500sqft Additional $25.00 homes built before 1940 Duplex additional $100.00
Pest Inspection………………………….$110.00
Pest Inspection
w/Home Inspection………………….$75.00
Radon Testing…………………………………….$210
(using Radstar Continuous Monitors)
Radon Testing w/home inspection……..$165
Camera Sewer……..$130.00 – $180.00 (depending on the service area)
Septic Dye Testing……………………………….$175
Well Flow Testing………………………………..$175
Mold Testing………………………………………..$260 – $75.00 per additional samples
Bacteria & Ecoli Water Analysis………$95
Well Water Analysis Basic…………………..$110
VA Full Water Analysis…………………..$315